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Wall of Fame

ODSS Staff and Students Congratulate the First 125 Inductees to our Wall of Fame, Quasquicentennial Edition


September 21, 2009 

Orangeville District Secondary School Unveils The Wall of Fame

Inspired by the rich legacy of achievement at their school, ODSS staff and students have chosen to honour alumni who have excelled in their chosen fields and/or made significant contributions to society by creating a Wall of Fame in the front foyer.


In honor of the school’s 125th anniversary on October 3rd, the first 125 people will be inducted in the categories of Athleticism, Brilliance, Compassion and Citizenship, Courage, Creativity and Entrepreneurial Spirit.


These include:


ATHLETICISM:  Dr. George Campbell, Al Pilcher, Bernadette (Casey) Bowyer, Ron Howden,

Dr. Lee-Anne Laverty, Michelle (McKendry) Ruthven, Kevin Stittle, Keith Beavers and Sarah Bonikowsky (Olympic athletes); Jeff Ellis (Ontario’s most decorated high school athlete to date); Lisa Patterson (cross-country skier); Bryon Mackie (boxer); Adam Edge Copeland and Jason Christian Cage Reso (wrestlers); Gerry Henry (varsity basketball player); Chris Borden (“All American” volleyball player); Dirk Leers (staff and inductee, York University Sports Hall of Fame for football); Irwin Scott and Dan Ellis (hockey players); Lindsay Beavers (Pan Am swimmer); Pat Coyle, Rusty Kruger, Brandon Miller,  Patrick Merrill,  Brodie Merrill,  Jon Mason and the Sanderson Family (lacrosse).

BRILLIANCE:    Drs. Hannah and Minerva Reid (Women’s College Hospital); Dr. Bernadette Garvey (Haematologist) and Jennifer Juno (AIDS researcher); Alan Rayburn (geographer and historian); Dr. Bill Leggett (Principal Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Biology, Queen’s University); Lt. Col. George Clingan, Chief Medical Officer of a Canadian convalescent hospital in England during the first Great War; Prof. C.H. Lee Head, Bacteriology Department, Manitoba Agricultural College; Economists Dr. O.D. Skelton (Dean, Faculty of Arts, Queens University, civil servant and advisor to Canadian delegation, Imperial Conference in London (1923), Dr. William Irwin Gillespie, chair, Department of Economics, Carleton University, Dr. John Meek Agricultural economist and consultant and Dr. William Waters, Professor Emeritus, Rotman School of Management, U of T; Earl Fagin (engineer and co-founder, Magnotech and Eastern Scale Magnotech); John Burnside (engineer and CEO, RJ Burnside and Associates; Robert Andrew Dods, Sloane Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Dr. Olivia Lindsay (United Church missionary in Japan and recipient of S.T.A.D. in 1932, at that time the highest degree bestowed on any woman; Alan Rayburn (1952) Canadian geographer and historian; Dr. Tim May, CBC reporter, editor, foreign correspondent and Professor of Journalism, Carleton University; Dr. Brad Clissold, Assistant Professor of English, Memorial University; recipient of FCAR Postdoctoral Research Fellowship; Dr. Jean-Paul Restoule, Assistant Professor, Adult Education and Community Development Program, U of  T,  Assistant Professor of Aboriginal Education, OISE; Dr. Jack Kalbfleisch, Professor and Department Chair of Biostatistics; Dr. Jim Kalbfleisch, Vice-President, Academic  and Provost, University of Waterloo; Dr. Bob Curtis, recipient, 2006 Atlantic Veterinary College Lieutenant Governor’s Award in Animal Care and Veterinary Medicine; Dr. W. Grant Hilliard, animal care research scientist and director, Co-op Education, Faculty of Art, Science and Commerce, Dalhousie; Dr. Glenn Coulter, Adjunct Professor, University of Saskatchewan (Western College of Veterinary Medicine); Dr. Alan H. Meek, Professor, Ontario Veterinary College and Chair of the Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology.

COMPASSION and CITIZENSHIP:  Francis Edward Galbraith, co-founder, Toronto Humane Society; Thomas C. West, California senator; Dr. John Knox Blair, MP, North Wellington; Robert Gunn Bremner, Member of United States Congress (New Jersey); friend and colleague  of President Woodrow Wilson; editor of the Passaic Daily Herald; volunteered for experimental cancer treatment using $100,000 worth of radium applied to his shoulder.

Dr. C.I. Scott and Dr. David Scott; Barry Woodyard; Bill Parke; Ross Martin; Tom, James and John Lockyer; Drew Brown.  Their contributions to their communities are too many and varied to list here.

Grant Marshall, Former president, Ontario Funeral Service Association; Charmaine Brett, international humanitarian aid worker and project co-ordinator, Doctors Without Borders; Jessica Vanderveen, volunteer, failure-to-thrive clinic in Romania; Barry Ranford, Amateur Historian, The Franklin Recovery Expedition; Jean Turnbull, Wayne Townsend, Steve Brown and Krista Taylor, historians, writers and archivists of Dufferin County’s history; James B. Dods, Maurice H. Cline and Murray Young (“educators with vision”)

COURAGE:  Veterans of the First, Second and Korean wars and Matthew McGrady McCully, killed in Afghanistan; Jeff Ray (survivor, grizzly bear attack)

CREATIVITY:    Archibald Lampman (Confederation poet); Gerry “The Big Bear” Barrett (aboriginal stand-up comedian); William Vickers (actor, Shaw and Stratford Festivals); Maggie Collis, John Hill, Jon French and Ray Gieringer (film animation and special effects);  Rita Auburger (costume designer); Jon Dueck (film and television producer); Stephen MacEachern (illustrator),  Shannon Cowan and Gary Gravelle (writers); Cory Bruyea, Justin Castator, Stew Gunn, Mitch Hall, Devin Hentsch, David Joseph, Matthew Kirk, Jae Marr, Cory McCallum, Heather Needham and Lyndsay Wright (Indie musicians); John Ross Robinson (reporter and editor, Toronto Telegram); performing artists Robert “Sandy” Mowat, William Vickers, Gerry “The Big Bear” Barrett, Kate Richmond, Ryan Grist, Dennis Hahn, Colin Lichti, Ryan Cooley and Alana Johnston.

ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT: Constance Ward Harper (who conceived and organized the first flag day in the world for Belgians in World War One); Mable Elizabeth Watson (the first woman to fly with the Canadian Air Mail); Mike Garvey (chair, Atlantic Canada Aviation Museum); Clive Pedersen (Management and Human Resources Specialist); Alan Holmes (Engineer and  Former Chief Administrative Office of the Grand River Conservation Authority); Arnold Holmes (Registrar, University of Guelph); Shirley Ann (McFee) Holmes (Home economist, food researcher, consumer and development consultant and author); Alexander McKitrick and Helen McKitrick (editors and publishers, The Orangeville Banner); Bruce Dodds (President, Charterways Transportation) and David McCleary (President, Orangeville Bottling Company et al.)

The Wall of Fame also acknowledges many local entrepreneurs, educators, professionals and contributing citizens. Sincere congratulations to all!

Celebrating Success Throughout the Years

wall of fameInspired by a waterfall, the design for the wall represents the ebb and flow of time and the people at O.D.S.S. The idea is to have the commemorative plates situated so that they are chronological from the top of the wall to the bottom. Their downward course will resemble water flowing down the wall like a waterfall. We are asking the community to donate to our project to help purchase the supplies needed to make it a huge success for past, present and future generations of Orangeville District Secondary School.

If you would like to donate to THE WALL OF FAME, please complete this form.

Thank you in advance. The Staff and Students of O.D.S.S.