News & Announcements
Important Dates and Reminders
The last day of school for students is Friday, December 20th. The first day back is January 6th of 2020! Please remind students to check the lost and found for any lost items before the break!Winter Showcase
Please join us on Friday, December 13th for the WInter Showcase. French Showcase will be at 11:20 English Showcase will be at 1:50Guelph Public Library
Guelph Public Library will be at Paisley Road tonight, Thursday the 28th during interviews to get people set up with a library card. If you'd like to get a library card, please bring proof of address.Scholastic Book Fair
The scholastic Book fair will be open for sales at the following times: Thursday, November 28th from 12-8pm Friday, November 29th 8:30-3:00 Monday, December 1st 11-12:10 for last chance sales. Children can come shopping with money or you can come any time the book fair is open. Thanks for supporting the fair....we get 60% ...Do you have a child starting JK or SK in September 2020?
The Upper Grand District School Board is hosting four Kindergarten registration INFORMATION nights in November and December 2019.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Our school will be conducting JK-Gr 6 Parent/Teacher interviews on Thursday, November 28, 2019 and Friday, November 29, 2019. Appointments will be booked online. Appointments outside these days must be booked directly with the teacher. We ask that all parents please book an appointment with their child’s teacher. The Parent/Teacher Interview ...HOLIDAY CRAFT SALE
Holiday Craft Sale. Monday, December 9th. Watch for more information coming home soon. Get crafting! We need your donated craft items to make this sale a success. We will also need volunteers. See Signup.come on the school website.Music Friday-November 22nd
There will be a mini 'concert' on Nov 22nd (Music Friday 1:45, junior grades) during which the bands will perform, as well as a few grade 5 students performing original songs from their workshop. Families are welcome to join us!Important information regarding WHY Survey – a joint survey between UGDSB and WDG Public Health
This year Upper Grand District School Board and Wellington Dufferin Guelph Public Health are collecting information on student health and well-being from youth, parents and school staff. The Well-Being and Health Youth Surveys are designed to help us understand how well we are doing creating safe, welcoming, and inclusive environments in our schools. It also provides important information about the physical and mental health of youth in our area.