News & Announcements

Victory Kids Club Students

Posted September 11, 2020

Communicate   Just a reminder if you pick your child(ren) up from school, it is the parents’ responsibility to let VKC know that they will not be there. This prevents the staff from VKC and the staff from Victory P. S. having to look ...

Accessibility and Equity

Posted September 11, 2020

Equity There will be times throughout the year when we will be asking for parents to send in money to cover the cost of field trips, pizza, special events etc.  We understand that for some families these funds may cause financial hardship.  We ...

Medication at School and Students with Life Threatening Medical Conditions

Posted September 11, 2020

Inhaler All student prescription medication (with the exception of puffers) must be stored and administered from the office. It is important for the safety of the child taking the medicine and the other students in the school. In order to give any medication, ...

Students Who are Late or Picked Up Early

Posted September 11, 2020

Cell Phone   Students who arrive late will require parents to call the school, 519 822-6931 x0 , to let the office know that their child(ren) are at the front door waiting to come in.  Parents are not allowed in the school.  We would ...

Victory Staff 2020-2021

Posted September 11, 2020

This year we welcome several new staff members to Victory Public School.  We are pleased to welcome Ms Schuter who will be teaching Grade ¾ French Immersion.  We would also like to welcome back Michelle Gillard and Lacey Batenchuk as ECEs.  We would also like to welcome Courtney Drewry as ...

Front Door

Posted September 10, 2020

Front Doors   Just a reminder that the original front doors that face Exhibition Street will once again be used as the main entrance to our school. This beautiful entrance leads directly to our office floor foyer. All doors will be locked during school ...

Important Notices and Forms

Posted September 10, 2020

Sign Here   There are a number of forms and notices that go home the first few days of school.  Several of these forms need parents’ signature, updated information and they need to be returned to school.  Please sign and update forms and return ...

Bienvenue and welcome everyone to Victory Public School!

Posted September 10, 2020

Welcome   I hope that you have had a wonderful summer and have had some relaxing time with family and/or friends.  I am Carla Anderson, the Principal at Victory! Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year and although things may be somewhat different this year, we ...

COVID 19 Screening Tool for Children

Posted September 10, 2020

Self-screening can be done using one the WDG Public Health screening tool or the provincial Self-Assessment Tool ( • Before leaving for school, all students and staff must self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms and potential exposures (i.e., travel history, exposure to confirmed case). This includes measuring temperature for fever. • Though screening will not catch every ...

Information Package/Return Signed Forms

Posted September 10, 2020

Good Afternoon, You child/ren will be coming home with a package of important information on their first day. Please review this information, sign and return all forms requiring parent/guardian signatures on the second day your child/children return to school. Thank you for your helpfulness!   Sign Here ...
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