Warm Winter Wishes Campaign Welcomes Donations

Posted November 7, 2023

Wellington Heights has launched its Warm Winter Wishes campaign once again this year with a Pumpkin Carving contest on October 26th.  Many more fundraising events are planned at the school through the months of November and December.  The annual Chili Cook Off will be held on Thursday, November 9th, where students can buy 2 small bowls of chili and a drink for $7 and vote for their favourite type of chili made by our WHSS staff members.  The initiative is spearheaded by our BOH4M Warm Winter Wishes Class and teacher, Ms. Lopez.  The school-wide initiative is also supported by Student Council, Athletic Council, Arts Council, the Staff Association, the Guidance Department, the school Social Worker, and Administration.  The goal is to raise funds for financially at-risk families at WHSS, and at our seven local elementary schools.  Anyone wishing to make a donation to our Warm Winter Wishes campaign can reach out to Ms. Lopez or Ms. Edwards at the school.


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