
UGDSB launches parent website for supporting students with special education needs

Posted April 17, 2020

The Upper Grand District School Board has launched a website for parents/guardians with resources and information to support students with special education needs. 

Read more about UGDSB launches parent website for supporting students with special education needs »

Board Approves 2020 Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) Annual Review Report

Posted April 17, 2020

The 2020 Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) Annual Review Report was approved at the Special Board Meeting of the Upper Grand District School Board on April 14, 2020.

This purpose of this report is to review updated data and any other changes affecting accommodation. It is necessary for staff to monitor the relevance of the …

Read more about Board Approves 2020 Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) Annual Review Report »

Distance learning tech support for parents and students

Posted April 9, 2020

To assist our families with tech support related to distance learning, the Upper Grand District School Board has a Tech Help webpage for parents and students. 

Read more about Distance learning tech support for parents and students »

Letter to secondary students and parents: Learning at Home (April 6, 2020)

Posted April 6, 2020

Please read the attached letter for further information regarding Learning at Home, including important information about resources for students with special education needs, access to technology, information for graduating students, responsibilities of students and parents, and more. 

Read more about Letter to secondary students and parents: Learning at Home (April 6, 2020) »

Letter to parents: UGDSB Learning at Home (April 3, 2020)

Posted April 3, 2020

A letter from the Director of Education regarding the board’s distance learning program is posted on the board website.

Read more about Letter to parents: UGDSB Learning at Home (April 3, 2020) »

Special Education, Equity and Learning at Home

Posted April 3, 2020

Preliminary information from the board on student access to devices and technology, SEA equipment, hands-on based learning ideas, and more.

Read more about Special Education, Equity and Learning at Home »


Posted April 3, 2020

Earlier this week the Minister of Education announced the extension of school closures to May 4 for students.   Further, he instructed schools to begin planning for teacher lead instruction of students through distance learning.   As part of the Upper Grand District School Boards distance learning plan your student’s first period …

Read more about IMPORTANT MESSAGE »

Notice of cancelled and postponed school events 

Posted April 1, 2020

Due to the extension of school closures in Ontario, the UGDSB has decided to cancel or postpone a number of school based events.

Read more about Notice of cancelled and postponed school events  »

Important letter from the Minister of Education to parents (March 31, 2020)

Posted April 1, 2020

Minister of Education Stephen Lecce has written an important letter for all Ontario parents and guardians, regarding the extension of school closures in Ontario and information on distance learning for students. 

Read more about Important letter from the Minister of Education to parents (March 31, 2020) »

Ontario school closures extended until at least May

Posted March 31, 2020

On Tuesday March 31, 2020, the Premier of Ontario announced that in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, all schools in Ontario will remain closed until at least May 1 for staff and May 4 for students. Premier Ford also said that the province is prepared to extend the school closures even further if required.

Read more about Ontario school closures extended until at least May »

Parents please read: Distance learning and staff reaching out to families

Posted March 27, 2020

A letter from the Director of Education has been posted to the board website (Friday March 27, 2020). The letter contains important information regarding the board’s distance learning plan and information about staff reaching out to families.

Read more about Parents please read: Distance learning and staff reaching out to families »

Letter to Parents from the Director: Continuity of Learning (March 23, 2020)

Posted March 23, 2020

Parents and guardians are asked to read the letter from the Director of Education, posted to the board website on March 23, 2020.

Read more about Letter to Parents from the Director: Continuity of Learning (March 23, 2020) »

Important letter from the Minister of Education to parents (March 22, 2020)

Posted March 23, 2020

Minister of Education Stephen Lecce has written an important letter for all Ontario parents and guardians, March 22, 2020.

Read more about Important letter from the Minister of Education to parents (March 22, 2020) »

School closures: Information for UGDSB families regarding COVID-19

Posted March 13, 2020

The province has ordered all publicly funded schools in Ontario to close for two weeks following March Break, in response to the emergence in Ontario of COVID-19. As a result, Upper Grand DSB schools will be closed from March 14 to April 5, 2020. 

Read more about School closures: Information for UGDSB families regarding COVID-19 »

Please read: Information for UGDSB schools regarding international travel and COVID-19

Posted March 12, 2020

With March Break approaching, many families and staff have questions about international travel and precautions required upon returning from travel. A letter with travel advice from Public Health is posted on the UGDSB website.

Read more about Please read: Information for UGDSB schools regarding international travel and COVID-19 »

Information regarding secondary interim report cards

Posted March 10, 2020

Information for parents and guardians of secondary school students, regarding new provincial sanctions and their effect on secondary interim report cards.

Read more about Information regarding secondary interim report cards »

Information for parents/guardians about coronavirus

Posted January 27, 2020

Information for UGDSB parents and guardians regarding coronavirus.

Read more about Information for parents/guardians about coronavirus »

Grade 9 EQAO

Posted January 9, 2020

Please read this important message below regarding EQAO.

Message Re EQAO Gr. 9 Math (2)

Important information regarding WHY Survey – a joint survey between UGDSB and WDG Public Health

Posted November 8, 2019

This year Upper Grand District School Board and Wellington Dufferin Guelph Public Health are collecting information on student health and well-being from youth, parents and school staff. The Well-Being and Health Youth Surveys are designed to help us understand how well we are doing creating safe, welcoming, and inclusive environments in our schools. It also provides important information about the physical and mental health of youth in our area. 

Read more about Important information regarding WHY Survey – a joint survey between UGDSB and WDG Public Health »

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