Annual Report

Example of Annual Report

Success for a council is all about Communication. Your annual report is one of the most important communication pieces your Chair and Council should be sending out to all parents.   Communicating your programs and results is key.

Please find an example of an annual report below:


[Name of School]
[Date of Submission]

1. Begin with a warm opening statement addressed to parents and the school community, including an open invitation to attend all school council meetings.

2. List the names and positions (e.g., council chair, secretary) of and the group represented by (e.g., parents, students, teaching/non-teaching staff, the community) all current school council members.

3. Name, identify, and acknowledge the efforts and commitment of outgoing school council members from the previous year.

4. List the dates of the previous year’s school council meetings, as well as any available information on upcoming meetings.

5. Include a financial statement if the school council held any fund-raising events. (See the next section.)


Sample Annual Report Formats: Sample 1

[Name of School] Council
Annual Report for the [insert year] School Year

Dear Parents and School Community:

Welcome back! We hope you had a safe and happy summer. The [name of school] School Council
had a very rewarding [insert year]. The school council held [number] meetings on [list dates] and
worked on various issues during the year including [insert list]. These meetings were open to the
public to encourage input from parents and other members of the school community.

The purpose of the school council is to help improve student achievement and to enhance the
accountability of the education system to parents. School councils are advisory organizations. A
school council’s primary means of achieving its purpose is by making recommendations to the
principal of the school and the school board. Boards and principals are responsible for considering
the recommendations made by each school council and for advising the council(s) of the actions
taken in response to the recommendations. Accordingly, included with this report is a summary of
the advice that the school council provided to the principal and to the school board in [insert year],
as well as the responses from the principal and school board on how this advice was taken into
account in decision making [attach summary of advice and responses] .

Additional achievements of the school council in [insert year] included the following: [insert list].
Fund-raising activities were also conducted, and the proceeds were used to fund projects in accordance
with school board policies. These fund-raising activities are identified in the attached financial
summary entitled “Sources and Uses of Project Funds”. Another summary of financial activity
related to the school council’s administrative activities, entitled “Sources and Uses of Operating
Funds”, is also attached. Minutes of meetings held and financial records are available for public
inspection at the school office.

We wish to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the many individuals who volunteered
their time to contribute to the success of the school council last year. Special thanks are due to the
following members of the [insert year] school council: [provide list]. Finally, we would like to wish
the best of luck to candidates in the September [insert year] school council elections. Issues that we
foresee as being important matters for the consideration of the new school council following the
September [insert year] elections include [insert list].

Sincerely yours,
[insert the name of the chair or co-chairs]
[insert date]