PIC Meeting Agenda – Feb 2024

Dear Parents and Caregivers,


We are looking forward to gathering for our next Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) meeting of the 2023/24 school year on Monday, February 26th at 7:00pm and hope you can make it!   At this meeting, we will be reviewing goals projects for the year and continuing to share best practices.


We welcome anyone in the UGDSB who would like to attend and learn about the work that PIC does, so feel free to bring a friend.


We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Gillian Prieur & Barb White, PIC Committee Co-chairs


Parent Involvement Committee UGDSB – Monday, February 26th 2024, 7:00 pm


20 minutes 7:00-7:20pm 1.  Welcome and introductions

2.  Approval of agenda

3.  Approval of previous minutes

  Barb White & Gillian Prieur
15 minutes

7:20 – 7:35pm

4. Board Report Brent McDonald
10 minutes


5. PRO Grants Summary Gillian & Barb & Brent
10 min


6. Budget Update Deb Bush
10 min


7. Trustee Report Martha MacNeil
10 minutes

8:15 – 8:25


8. PIC Discussion:

-PIC Games Bins

Barb White & Gillian Prieur
15 minutes

8:25 – 8:40pm

9. Questions, new business, and final remarks All



Next meeting: Monday, March 25th, 2024, at 7:00 pm, In-person (Guelph Board Office) and Virtual

PIC Meeting Minutes – November 2023

Those present:

Gillian Prieur, Barb White, Martha MacNeil, Jen Edwards, Deb Bush, Lisa Booth, Crystal-Lee Scace, Lynn Topping, Kelley Jones, Mahrukh Syed, Elaine Churly, Jackie Hammond, Jenna Squires, Jennifer Meeker, Jen Tulloch, Rupinder Kaur, Kumudine Kariyapperuma, Laura White, Mark Howe, Paula O’Donnell, Cara Nibbs

Welcome and introductions

Barb White made Land Acknowledgement

Barb White  welcomed everyone to the meeting and individuals in attendance introduced themselves.

Approval of agenda

Gillian Prieur asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Motioned

Approval of minutes

Gillian Prieur asked for a motion to approve the minutes from September.  Motioned by Elaine Churly

Gillian Prieur asked for a motion to approve the minutes from October. Motioned by Paula O’Donnell

Board Report

Board Report Brent M.

  • $500.00 has been deposited in each school councils line to support parent engagement in their school community
  • Report is due in May outlining what the money was used for
  • November 20th – 24th UGDSB participating in Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week
  • Students, Staff and guardians are encouraged to learn more about bullying and its effect on student learning and well being
  • Staff have been giving many resources and slide deck to review with students
  • Every school is engaged in different activities throughout the week to bring awareness to BAPW and how to especially prevent
  • There are many resources on the Ministry and UGDSB website to support as well
  • https://www.ugdsb.ca/schools/safe-equitable-and-inclusive-schools/bullying-prevention-intervention-and-reporting/
  • https://www.ontario.ca/page/bullying-we-can-all-help-stop-it
  • https://www.ugdsb.ca/kortright/resources/bullying-prevention-plan/
  • The Well-being and Health Youth Surveys (WHY Surveys) run in November 2023 and February 2024.
  • The WHY Surveys are collected in partnership with Public Health and will replace our School Climate Surveys and Public Health’s Youth Survey
  • Information from the surveys will be used to assess our progress on such things as our anti-bullying efforts, our school climate work, and on our mental health and well-being initiatives
  • Full set of data from survey will not be available until Spring
  • Links to the survey will be out soon for Parents, Students and staff
  • There are 3 separate surveys for students and each of those surveys asks age appropriate questions related to health and well being and also questions regarding school climate
  • The findings of these surveys helps inform our Bullying Prevention Plans in schools: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K1-U3BscgP18LyJg5fQF49Eow0kHAQ4rwCZu50cQAtw/edit?pli=1
  • “Pro Grants” Board has about $39,000 that can be used to support parent engagement in schools
  • Last year focused on ‘Priority Schools”
  • This year focus should be on creating safe, welcoming and inclusive environment for families and parents, eliminating barriers to equitable access to education system, supporting work relating to anti Black racism, anti Indigenous racism and anti oppressive initiatives, supporting mental health of children, parents and families
  • Schools can complete Draft Form for consideration for funds for activities they might want to run: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1UfEjU19osnEwSz RfyKNBb0qs8jn7HKskreh8dZgcNpk/edit?ts=654ce69 5
  • Funds to be spent by Aug 31st 2023


Guest Speaker Jenny Marino – Mental Health and Addiction Lead


  • In January to October 2022 a comprehensive review of data was done from previous strategy and different data points
  • Looked at past outcomes, research, best practice and guidelines and also engaged mental leadership committee for consultation and further data collection
  • Jenny shared executive report that summarizes the collection and analysis of all this data gathered by parents, caregivers and students at UGDSB related to current mental health strategy
  • Students want to know more about stress, anxiety and time management skills
  • Requests for practical skills, identity and understanding and desire for student voice
  • Mental Health Strategy Committee currently in process of recruiting student collective
  • A lot of positive work being done in UGDSB with mental health strategy, development and monitoring
  • New delivery model is being introduced through the Ministry of Education for the grade 7 and 8s mental health modules
  • It is not a new curriculum but more delivery of that curriculum using great interactive resources for educators
  • Also will be able to share some great parent resources so that parents can continue to support their students at home based on lessons they are learning at school
  • Mental health literacy modules are a series of three modules per grade from the Ministry of Education
  • First Grade 7 module is mental health, mental illness and the relationship between them
  • Second Grade 7 module is understanding signs of a mental health problem and how to seek support
  • Third Grade 7 module is mental health substance use and the relationship between them
  • First Grade 8 module is mental health and stigma
  • Second Grade 8 module is supporting our mental health by managing stress.
  • Third Grade 8 module is how to help a friend seeking support for others while caring for ourselves.
  • These modules build on current work and are not new to learning, they are to support positive mental health and teach students to develop skills on how to do that
  • As best practice can we implement this support for other parents and caregivers for all age groups so they are able to support their children at home in terms of what topics they are learning in school
  • How can this information be shared with other parents and caregivers – QR codes? Newsletters?Links to websites? Conversation cards sent home?


Trustee Report

Martha MacNeil shared information


Chairs’ Report

Barb and Gillian lead discussion

  • Executive Positions for Board have been finalized
  • Treasurer update $100 have been deposited to school council accounts
  • Open Discussion with PIC around changes in Parent Engagement activities now that have returned to more in person events
  • School councils have more parents attending now that meetings are in person versus online
  • Parents/families are also attending school events and concerts/performances, winter markets, graduations, parent/teacher interviews
  • More parent engagement in last year than during covid which as been great

Questions, New Business and Final Remarks

The next meeting will be on Monday January 29th,  2023 at 7:00 PM

PIC Minutes November 20th, 2023 (2)

PIC Meeting Agenda – Oct 2023

October 24th, 2023


Dear Parents and Caregivers,

We are looking forward to gathering for our second Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) meeting of the 2023/24 school year on Monday, October 30th and hope you can make it!   At this meeting, we will be establishing committee membership as well as discussing goals and plans for the year.

We are planning to host this meeting in a “blended” format with attendees able to join us in-person at the Guelph Board Office (500 Victoria Road North, Guelph) or virtually via MS Teams.  If you are attending in-person, feel free to join us at 6:45pm for light refreshments. The formal agenda for the meeting will begin as usual at 7:00pm.

We welcome anyone in the UGDSB who would like to attend and learn about the work that PIC does, so feel free to bring a friend.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.


Gillian Prieur & Barb White, PIC Committee Co-chairs

Parent Involvement Committee UGDSB – Monday, October 30th, 2023, 7:00 pm


20 minutes 7:00-7:20pm 1.  Welcome and introductions.

2.  Approval of agenda

3.  Approval of previous minutes

Barb White & Gillian Prieur
5 minutes

7:20 – 7:25pm

Board Report Brent McDonald
10 min


Student Census Report Blayne Primeau
25 minutes

7:35 – 8:00pm

Special Education: IEP Process and Supports Jennifer Meeker, Principal of Special Education

Mark Howe, Special Education Consultant

10 minutes

8:00 – 8:10


Trustee Report  
10 minutes

8:10 – 8:20pm

Updates and Debrief on PIC event



Gillian Prieur / Barb White
10 minutes

8:20 – 8:30pm

PIC Executive Positions Brent McDonald
15 minutes 8:30-8:45pm 8. Questions, new business, and final remarks All



Next meeting: Monday, November 20th, 2023, at 7:00 pm, In-person (Guelph Board Office) and Virtual

Inspiring Engagement with Parents & School Councils

GUELPH, Ontario – The Upper Grand District School Board’s Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is inviting UG parents/guardians to join them at the free PIC event on October 25, 2023.

Whether you are currently part of a school council or are looking to become more involved in your child’s school, this opportunity is a great way to learn, discuss and share with each other.

Topics will include leading an effective school council, fundraising, communication and secondary school parent council. This free event is in-person and will include dinner, information from PIC and two breakout sessions.

DATE: Wednesday, October 25, 2023
TIME: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
LOCATION: Centre Wellington District High School, 905 Scotland St., Fergus.
COST: FREE to all UG parent/guardians

Click here for the full agenda.

Click here to register for this event.

The UGDSB and PIC look forward to welcoming you to this event.

Information about the PIC October event

PDF version of poster