News & Announcements

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)

Posted October 20, 2022

Grade 10 students who are taking English this semester will be writing the two part Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test on Tuesday November 29th and Thursday December 1st in their English classes. Staff will work with students to prepare and practice so they are ready and primed ...

Parents/Guardians invited to free webinar: Post-pandemic Mental Health

Posted October 17, 2022

Parents/guardians are invited to join a free webinar in November on post-pandemic mental health. Join Kevin Cameron as he shares information and strategies relating to post-pandemic mental health for adults and children. A survey by CMHA Ontario showed that nearly half (48 per cent) of Ontarians say their mental health has worsened ...

Download school ventilation reports from the UGDSB website

Posted October 14, 2022

The Upper Grand District School Board continues to make board and school-based ventilation reports available in the 2022-23 school year. The board report and each school report is available for download on the UGDSB website at To access a specific school report: Download the full report (Microsoft Excel document) ...

Terry Fox Run

Posted October 5, 2022

  Terry Fox Run Our Wolverines participated in the Terry Fox Run during the morning of September 29th.  Students and staff were encouraged to bring in a toonie for Terry, that would be donated to the Terry Fox Foundation in support of cancer research. ...


Posted October 5, 2022

Survivor ASurvivor BSurvivor C

Lots of Wolverines signed up and dressed up to participate in our Athletic Council’s “Survivor” activities during the afternoon of September 29th.  ...

National Truth And Reconciliation Day

Posted October 5, 2022

T & R Day Wolverines recognized National Truth and Reconciliation Day on September 30th by wearing orange and by participating in learning opportunities related to Indigenous education across the school.  Thanks to our Equity Club for coordinating classroom activities, for sharing educational announcements, and ...

School Cafeteria

Posted October 5, 2022


Our school cafeteria is up and running again with the support of local community restaurants who are bringing in a limited number of hot lunches almost every day for the month of October.  Thanks to B & A Garden, Domino’s Pizza, ...

Grade 9 Camp

Posted September 26, 2022

From September 21-23, 81 of our Grade 9 students attended Grade 9 Camp at Youth Leadership Camps Canada (YLCC) in Orillia. 

Commencement – Friday, October 14th

Updated September 28, 2022

This year’s Commencement for 2022 graduates will be held on Friday, October 14th from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the school. 

National Day For Truth And Reconciliation – Sept. 30th

Posted September 26, 2022

September 26 – 30 is Truth and Reconciliation Week, which culminates in the National Day For Truth and Reconciliation or “Orange Shirt Day” on Friday, September 30th. 

Survivor Day – Sept. 29th

Posted September 26, 2022

Survivor Day will be held on Thursday, September 29th at Wellington Heights during the morning.  The event is available to all interested students for who would like to participate in team-building activities with students from across the school. 

Terry Fox Run – Sept. 29th

Posted September 26, 2022

The annual Terry Fox Run will be held on Thursday, September 29th at Wellington Heights during the morning. 

Virtual School Council Meeting For Parents/Guardians – Sept.27th at 7 p.m.

Posted September 26, 2022

The first WHSS School Council meeting for the year will be held virtually on Tuesday, September 27th at 7:00 p.m. on Google Meet.  

Parents/Guardians: The next North Wellington Hub meeting is November 3, 2022

Updated October 6, 2022

Parents/caregivers with child/ren attending an Upper Grand District School Board school located in North Wellington are invited to join the North Wellington Hub. The next Hub meeting is November 3, 2022, at 7pm.

Help the UGDSB make positive change – Complete the Student Census today!

Posted September 19, 2022

Everyone counts. Complete the Student Census today! The “UGDSB Counts Student Census” launches today for all Upper Grand District School Board students in grades Kindergarten-12. Participation in the Student Census will help the UGDSB make systemic changes that will create more equitable outcomes for all students. The census is a confidential, voluntary survey ...

Wellness Works: Welcome Back!

Updated September 16, 2022

The Upper Grand District School Board is continuing with the Wellness Works monthly themes across all grades in the 2022-2023 school year.  For September we are once again bringing our collective focus to the theme of:  WELCOME, CONNECTION and BELONGING. 

New School and Child Care Screening Tool is available online

Posted September 1, 2022

The Ministry of Health and the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health have provided a new “School and Child Care” screening tool. It is recommended that students/children and visitors continue to self-screen for illness every day before attending school or child care using this updated Screening Tool.

Reminder For Parents/Guardians: Student Accident Insurance

Posted August 31, 2022

Student Accident Insurance

Parents and guardians are responsible for expenses related to student injuries on school premises or during school activities. Accidents can and do happen and the costs involved might not be fully covered by Provincial health care or employer ...

Back to School! Information for students and families

Posted August 29, 2022

It’s back to school season! We are excited to welcome and welcome back all students and families to the Upper Grand. To help make the transition back to school smoother for our students and families, we are sharing a website with information about back to school.

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