
November News 2020

Posted November 1, 2020

ImagesHere we are in the month of November.  And as you will see there is much learning to look forward to!

The first week of November is Treaties Recognition Week. This annual event honours the importance of treaties and helps students learn more …

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October News 2020

Posted October 1, 2020

DownloadHere we are in the month of October and enjoying all the signs of Fall.  With classes enjoying outdoor learning there has been some beautiful conversation about the many beautiful trees on the school property and how grateful we all are for our beautiful …

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Year End Newsletter

Posted June 26, 2020



The 2019/2020 school year has definitely brought about many unforeseen variables.  The WCW Staff and School Community have been there to support one another and get through this together.  A testament to this amazing school community. 

Thank you to parents and …

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March Newsletter

Posted March 2, 2020

Here we are in March!  Throughout the month of February the children were introduced to many valuable learning experiences focusing on Black History and Kindness.  Some of the learning included:  

– daily quotes for reflection and discussion

– morning announcements

– stories and activities

– participation in Pink …

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Posted February 4, 2020

ImagesThe Upper Grand District School Board will be observing Family Day on Monday, February 18th so our school will be closed on that day.  We hope you enjoy the day with your family.


February 7 – Winter …

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Posted December 20, 2019

DownloadDecember has been a month filled with celebrations, time together and giving. Thank you to all of our families who donated to the Guelph Food Bank, Change for Charity, and our ‘Giving Tree’ was beautifully decorated with hats, mitts, and socks.  All items were …

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Posted December 2, 2019

December To Remember 600x375A big thank you to the Winegard School Council for a wonderful Bazaar!  What a wonderful community event. Thank you to everyone who supported the event.  

December promises to be an exciting month with many different celebrations to look forward …

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Posted November 3, 2019


We have finished the month of October with our annual Halloween Parade.  There were some incredible costumes and some great energy.  

During the week of November 4th – 8th we will be recognizing Treaties week.  Some great learning opportunities will be set up …

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