

Posted October 1, 2021

Hello October Facebook CoverIt has been wonderful to welcome back the WCW staff and students to school.  It has been a very good start to the 2021/2022 school year.  We have appreciated the support of the WCW school community throughout this return to school.  

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First Day Plan

Posted September 3, 2021

school logo

Hello to our William C. Winegard Families,

All students please make your way to your class line in the morning.  Please arrive closer to 8:40.  The school day will begin at 8:40am and end at 3:00pm.

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Welcome to the 2021/2022 School Year!

Posted September 1, 2021

Welcome to the 2021/2022 School Year!

We are looking forward to welcoming all of our new and returning students back to William C. Winegard this September! 

As you are aware, the Upper Grand District School Board has put plans in place to support our …

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Year End News

Posted June 29, 2021

DownloadCongratulations to all Winegard families as we recognize the end of another school year.  The WCW Staff and School Community have continued to demonstrate their strength, resilience and adaptability.  You have been there to support one another and get through this together.   We …

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Posted June 2, 2021

DownloadJune is Pride Month.  Please follow the link to the Board website to see how the board and schools will be celebrating Pride Month.  It is hard to believe that we are moving into the last …

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Posted April 30, 2021

DownloadEducation and Mental Health week is designated the week of May 3 – 7.  This year’s theme is “Celebrating Learning, Wellness, and Community/ “Célébrant l’apprentissage, le bien-être et la communauté”. 


Winegard Announcements (1)


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April News 2021

Posted March 31, 2021


Spring is here! We have had to be off the field a few times to avoid some wet conditions. The Students have been very patient as we have had to make some adjustments to our recess plan. Please continue to send your child(ren) with appropriate clothing and …

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March News 2021

Posted March 2, 2021

MarchHere we are in March!  Throughout the month of February the children were introduced to many valuable learning experiences focusing on Black Brilliance, Black Heritage and Black Futures Month activities and conversations.  We also recognized Healthy Living as a part of the Umbrella Project.  



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February News 2021

Posted February 1, 2021

1422c648e6ed498d8d79179da1fd6de8 MARK YOUR CALENDARS

February 4 – National Sweater Day

February 5 – Winter Walk Day

February 15  – Family Day – No School

February 19 – Report Cards Home

February 24 – Pink Shirt Day


The …

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January News 2021

Posted January 5, 2021

DownloadDecember was a wonderful month of celebration, recognition of hard work, time together and giving.  Together we enjoyed a beautiful virtual holiday assembly with class presentations.  Thank you to all of our families who donated to socks, hats and mitts, items for the Guelph …

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