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Teacher-Parent/Guardian Interviews

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope this message finds you well. As part of our ongoing commitment to fostering strong partnerships between home and school, we would like to inform you about the upcoming parent/guardian interviews.

These interviews provide a valuable chance for us to connect with you, discuss your student’s progress, address any concerns you may have, and collaborate on strategies to support your student’s development and success. Your insights and perspectives are incredibly valuable to us, and we look forward to sharing information and ideas with you.

Please find below the details regarding the parent/guardian interviews:

Interview bookings open March 4th at 9am.

Date: March 21st2024

Time: 6-8pm

Location: Room location will appear when you book the interview online

Format: In person

To schedule your appointment’s, please follow the instructions attached in red below. If you encounter any difficulties or have specific scheduling needs, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Teacher ParentGuardian Interviews

If you are unable to attend at the scheduled time, please let us know.


Thank you for your continued support and cooperation in partnering with us to ensure the success of your student.

Kevin Taylor, Principal

Kaley Kowaluk-Mainland, Vice Principal

Categories: News