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Truth and Reconciliation Week

Thursday, September 30th is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day. This day is a direct response to Call to Action 80 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Known as Orange Shirt Day from the movement inspired by survivor Phyllis Jack Webstad who, on her first day at residential school in 1973, had her new orange shirt taken from her. It is an opportunity to continue the learning and conversations about the true history of this land now called Canada. September 30 was chosen because September is the time of year in which children were taken from their homes to residential schools.

We remember those children and communities dramatically affected by the Residential Schools System.

As part of our commitment to action we have displayed an Every Child Matters Flag at the front of our school.  We will also take pause from our curriculum for one hour on Sept. 30th from 9-10am for a virtual assembly with survivor and story-teller, Isaac Murdoch. Thanks to our student group RISE (Recognition of Indigenous Sovereignty and Equality) for their educational announcements, Orange T-shirt sales, and student display on Sept. 30th.

We hope that these days are just the beginning of these conversations for the year.

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