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Code of Conduct

GCVI’s School Code of Conduct is available in the GCVI Code Of Conduct

GCVI’s Bullying Prevention Plan 2024 School Bullying Prevention Plan 2024

It is the policy of the Upper Grand District School Board to maintain a safe and inclusive learning and teaching environment through the adoption of a Code of Conduct which promotes responsibility, respect, civility and academic excellence, and sets clear standards of behaviour for all members of the school community. The goal is to create a positive school climate where all members of the school community feel safe, comfortable and accepted.

Our School Code of Positive Student Behaviour is based upon the Ontario Code of Conduct and the Upper Grand District School of Conduct (Policy #213) which applies to all members of the school community; students, administrators, staff, parents and guardians, community users, visitors, volunteers, etc. While on all and Board property, school buses, at school-authorized events and off site at school-sponsored activities, or in other circumstances that could have a negative impact on the school climate.


Students Rights Include:

Parents Rights Include:

Staff Rights Include:


All students will:


The Principal will:

Teachers and school staff will: