Code of Conduct
All members of the CDDHS community are responsible for creating an inviting, safe, orderly school environment where everyone is treated fairly and can learn, grow and achieve success.
Centre Dufferin is a community dedicated to learning. All expectations, rules, policies and procedures must support this central purpose. Plagiarism includes the use of images, quotes, ideas from an outside source without giving proper credit (endnotes/footnotes/bibliography). Consequences may include resubmission of work, loss of marks and/or suspension.
We believe that regular attendance and punctuality are required for academic success, and that both are desirable work habits. The Education Act R.O. 2019, Reg. 298, s.23 (1) states:
23. (1) A pupil shall:
- Be diligent in attempting to master such studies as are part of the program in which the pupil is enrolled;
- Exercise self-discipline;
- Accept such discipline as would be exercised by a kind, firm and judicious parent;
- Attend classes punctually and regularly;
- Be courteous to fellow pupils and obedient and courteous to teachers;
- Be clean in person and habits;
- Take such tests and examinations as are required by or under the Act or as may be directed by the Minister; and
- Show respect for school property.
Students arriving late to school should report directly to their class. Upon late arrival the student should quietly enter the class. At the teacher’s discretion the late should be discussed at an appropriate time during the class. Students with chronic lateness will work with their classroom teachers, parents, school administrators and/or school Social Worker to improve their attendance, and increase their chances of success.
Students will not use personal mobile devices during instructional time except under the following circumstances:
- for educational purposes, as directed by an educator (Grade 9 and 10 students will NOT be directed to use their phones)
- for health and medical purposes
- to support special education needs
Teachers will develop with you and share their specific classroom expectations and norms.
Personal mobile devices must be stored out of view and powered off or set to silent mode during instructional time, except when their use is explicitly permitted by the educator.
Students must not take out cell phones in washrooms or change rooms for privacy reasons. Personal mobile devices, headphones, etc. should be placed in a secure place during school time.
- Staff and student conduct is based on mutual respect and consideration.
- Violent behavior (physical, verbal, sexual, or psychological abuse or bullying), illegal acts, harassment or discrimination on the basis of race, culture, religion, gender, language, disability, or sexual orientation are not tolerated at Centre Dufferin.
- The SAFE SCHOOLS ACT and THE UGDSB CODE OF CONDUCT clearly describes what is meant by violent behavior and spells out the consequences of such behavior. As well, any behavior punishable by law will be addressed by school authorities and the police.
- Any incidents of identity-based harm will lead to a suspension and possible recommendation of an expulsion and/or police involvement. Students must refrain from hurtful/harmful language related to race, colour, national or ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or another similar factor.
- It is understood that the school code of conduct must be followed during any school activity (clubs, dances, bus transportation, field trips or any extracurricular activity). If an incident occurs online or after hours, and it affects the moral tone of our school and the members of our school community, administration will address it.
- School is a public place. Displays of affection should not be excessive nor offend others.
Dress is a form of expressing individuality, however, staff and students at Centre Dufferin must dress in a manner which neither offends nor distracts others because of immodesty or offensive logos or language. Appropriate dress is defined as student attire that is free of symbols of hate and/or gang membership, of images that portray violence, racism, sexism, death, abuse, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, drug paraphernalia and/or obscene words and/or political or sexual statements.
Therefore, the following applies to male, female and non-binary students:
- Clothing should cover buttocks, genitals & breasts
- Some courses may require protective or supportive clothing
- Undergarments should not be visible
Students dressed inappropriately as deemed by the administration may be required to change into attire provided by the school.
CDDHS is a learning institution that is dedicated to equitable opportunities for all students. Discrimination of any type and for any reason is taken very seriously and will be addressed through education and progressive discipline. Centre Dufferin is proud to support the entire student community.
Bullying can occur in a variety of forms, ALL of which are forbidden in and around the school community. Bullying can consist of (but is not limited to) physical bullying or violence, threats, and/or intimidation. Social bullying including spreading rumours and exclusion as well as cyber-bullying via text and on social media sites is also prohibited in and around the school community.
Be aware that being a bystander makes you an accomplice to bullying, and at CDDHS we encourage all students to stick up for those in need and refuse to participate in any form of bullying. We also encourage you to report all acts of Bullying using the UGDSB Bullying Reporting Tool Report Bullying.
Students are asked to bring a limited number of personal belongings to school (please see below).
Backpacks or tote bags for personal belongings should be kept in lockers during class time. Bring only what you need with you to each class: personal water bottle, seasonal outdoor wear, items that are necessary for the day (e.g. laptop, textbook, notebook, pens/pencils, calculator, etc.). Students will be encouraged to bring their own labelled water bottle to school each day.
All school property (including lockers) and the private property of students and staff are treated with care and respect at Centre Dufferin. Our neighbours’ property is private and should be treated as such.
There is no vaping on school property (especially in washrooms) or within 20 metres of the school property line. School consequences including suspensions and possible significant fines from public health will result from vaping in school or on property.
Visitors who are guest speakers, volunteers, and community members who contribute to the learning environment are welcomed, and must report to the office and sign in on arrival. Visitors to the school are expected to behave according to our Code of Conduct. Additionally, visitors and late arriving students are expected to enter the building using the front doors.
There are universal beliefs that schools and communities share. They are key aspects of school life. They bind us together and inform our actions, decisions, and intensions. They are a foundation for success, safety, and belonging.
At CDDHS we value:
Fairness Responsibility Co-operation Safety Integrity
Respect Compassion Friendliness Perseverance Community