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Grade 5-6 class gets hands-on with science

Two male students examine a pig's heart

Two students in Sheila Zanyk’s class examine a heart during an anatomy lesson.

Grade 5 and 6 students in a class at Kortright Hills Public School were given the opportunity to engage in science in a way more typically seen in a high school biology course.

The students Sheila Zanyk’s enrichment class got advanced lessons in anatomy when they dissected the eyes of sheep, and the hearts of pigs and sheep.

Parents were consulted prior to the lessons being delivered, and gave permission for the students to participate.

Students were fascinated to learn about the functioning of the organs through the hands-on exercise. “The heart dissections were a big hit, as well as the eyes,” said Mrs. Zanyk. “It has been a great experience.”

Upper Grand’s Continuing Education Department loaned all of the dissection supplies (trays, tools and aprons) and Centennial CVI provided sheep’s eyeballs when a shipment from the supplier was delayed.

Categories: Spotlight On Schools