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Digital Citizenship in the UGDSB

Vision Statement

In the Upper Grand District School Board (UGDSB), we recognize the important role we share in supporting the development of responsible, ethical, global citizens for an ever-changing digital world. As UGDSB students learn, construct, innovate, design, communicate and collaborate with technology, they are developing the global competencies (transferable skills) that are vital to succeed in our interconnected, diverse and rapidly changing world. We commit to centering the voices of our students, and supporting them in creating digital identities that can be leveraged to transform their lives, their community and the world around them in positive ways.

Our Commitment

The Upper Grand District School Board defines Digital Citizenship as the “continuously developing norms of appropriate, responsible, and empowered use of technology”. It is the expectation that these norms are followed in all UGDSB physical and virtual locations.

We strive to follow the ISTE (International Society for Technological Education) Standards for Innovation in Education, and commit to educating and guiding our students to develop the following 5 Competencies of Digital Citizenship:

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We are open to hearing and respectfully recognizing multiple viewpoints, and we will engage with others online with respect and empathy.

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We are aware of our online actions, and know how to keep ourselves safe as well as how to create safe spaces for others online.

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We make informed decisions about how to prioritize our online and offline activities.

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We evaluate the accuracy, perspective and validity of digital media and social posts.

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We use technology for civic engagement, to solve problems and to be a force for good in both physical and virtual communities.


* Images used with permission from ISTE and DigCitCommit