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June 23 flooding and transportation update for parents and guardians

June 23, 2017

Weather reports are indicating that the flooding we have experienced Friday morning in many areas of the Upper Grand DSB will continue into Friday afternoon and will potentially get worse.

Lakes are filling up quickly and are pushing more water into the rivers, which are rising and overflowing. Many town streets and side roads are flooding.

Areas particularly affected by flooding are Centre Wellington, North Wellington and Dufferin County regions.

Afternoon bus transportation and dismissal

Please note that due to flooding conditions, roads that were travelled this morning may not be open this afternoon.

For families whose children were on a partially closed or closed bus route Friday morning, please be advised that buses may not be able to transport those students home this afternoon. Those families are asked to consider picking up your children at the end of the day, if it is safe to do so. If you are unable to pick up your child, please call the school.

Please follow @stwdsts on Twitter for transportation updates.

Water safety

Due to the heavy rainfall in many areas of our board, water levels are rising rapidly. Conditions may not be safe for recreational activities on rivers and lakes.

We are advising families to please exercise extreme caution around all bodies of water today and over the weekend. Parents and guardians are encouraged to keep their children and pets away from all watercourses.

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