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Don’t turn up the heat, put on a sweater! National Sweater Day is Thursday

For Immediate Release
February 1, 2016

GUELPH, Ontario – When the temperature drops, don’t turn up the heat – put on a cozy sweater!

This Thursday is National Sweater Day, an annual day to raise awareness of the importance of saving energy and inspire Canadians to use less heat in the winter.

The day is organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Canada’s largest international conservation organization.

According to WWF, more than a million Canadians have participated in National Sweater Day in their schools, workplaces and homes since it began in 2010.

The day falls within Upper Grand’s month focusing on energy conservation. Schools are encouraged to do their part by creating a culture of environmental stewardship.

Tips for conserving energy include: walking or rolling to school rather than travelling by car, turning off the lights when a room is empty or when natural light is sufficient, using blinds or curtains to let sunlight (and heat) in during the winter, and putting on a cozy sweater and dressing in layers rather than cranking the heat when it’s cold.

On Thursday, the board’s EcoTeam is celebrating National Sweater Day with a chili cook-off and ‘best sweater’ competition. All proceeds raised at the event will go to providing Syrian newcomers in our community with warm winter clothing.

To learn more about how you can help conserve energy in your home and school, visit the board’s Energy Conservation website. 

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