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GCVI hosts Youth4Music Symposium for UGDSB students

May 25, 2017

GUELPH, Ontario – On May 24, Guelph Collegiate Vocational Institute hosted a Youth4Music Leadership Symposium. This symposium marked the first of its kind in Guelph and saw many Upper Grand District School Board students of all ages in attendance.

Youth4Music is a group of young people that are passionate about having music in their lives, through learning, appreciating and making music. The group allows students to let their voices be heard in the music community and helps them find leadership opportunities in their schools and communities.

From 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., students from across the Upper Grand DSB came together at Guelph CVI to play and learn about music. Several guest performers and speakers, including Paul Aitken, Joni NehRita, and Ricky Tillo joined students.

On May 24, Guelph Collegiate Vocational Institute hosted a Youth4Music Leadership Symposium. This symposium marked the first of its kind in Guelph and saw many Upper Grand District School Board students of all ages in attendance.

On May 24, Guelph Collegiate Vocational Institute hosted a Youth4Music Leadership Symposium. This symposium marked the first of its kind in Guelph and saw many Upper Grand District School Board students of all ages in attendance.

Paul Aitken is a London, Ontario, based guitarist and professor at the University of Western Ontario. He currently plays with several artists including Broomsticks and Hammers, Kevin’s Bacon Train and more. When he isn’t teaching, Aitken offers live work, recording sessions and private lessons.

Joni NehRita is a Toronto born Jamaican-Canadian Singer and songwriter. Since relocating to Guelph, NehRita has become a huge contributor to the soul and jazz community. NehRita has released several albums and has been fortunate enough to perform in festivals across North America, England, Germany and Australia.

Ricky Tillo is a Toronto born guitarist. At the age of 12 he started playing the guitar. Since 2010, Tillo has been lead guitarist in Lady Gaga’s band. When not playing with Lady Gaga, Tillo can be heard playing with the Los Angeles based band KNIVES.

Throughout the day, students, staff and guest performers played jam sessions together and had an open discussion about music. Guest performers and speakers engaged students and inspired them with their stories to continue creating music.

For more information about how to get involved with Youth4Music, please visit:

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