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Grade 9 students at CCVI prepare for exams at Cocoa and Cram

January 21, 2016

GUELPH, Ontario — On Wednesday evening, grade 9 students at Centennial Collegiate Vocational Institute eased the stress of exams at the school’s annual “Cocoa and Cram” event.

The students are approaching their first set of exams next week, which means that stress levels can get high. 

Cocoa and Cram eases that tension by getting the students together for a group study session – complete with hot chocolate and help. Teachers and senior students from CCVI’s Link Crew circulate the cafeteria to coach the grade 9s and help them study.


The cafeteria was divided into subjects, so students working on math or science, for example, could sit and study together.

According to CCVI principal Scot Bishop, as the hot chocolate flowed, you could feel the tension in the room dissipate. “The students realize they are not alone, and that studying with friends can actually be fun,” he said.


Categories: Spotlight On Schools