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Helping kids report bullying through a ‘teacher swap’

November 17, 2015

GUELPH, Ontario — As students across Upper Grand celebrate Bullying Awareness Week through a series of initiatives, the staff at Jean Little Public School have come up with an innovate way to participate.

Through discussions with students, Samantha Hoekstra – a teacher at Jean Little PS – learned one of the reasons students don’t seek out an adult for help when bullying occurs is because they don’t actually know all of the adults within the school.

Students find it difficult approaching an unfamiliar teacher or adult, and are less likely to report bullying or ask for help.

And so, Hoekstra organized “teacher swaps” to run this week. During a swap, a teacher will go into a classroom outside their division and read the students one of their favourite storybooks.

Through the swaps, teachers get a chance to introduce themselves to students and help the students put a name to a once unfamiliar face.

Share how you’re marking Bullying Awareness Week on Twitter using the hashtag #BAW2015.


Categories: Spotlight On Schools