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Highlights Of The December 2012 Board Meeting


For Immediate Release
December 20, 2012

GUELPH, Ontario: The December meeting of the Upper Grand District School Board was held on Tuesday December 18, 2012. Here are the highlights from the meeting.

Reflection on the Newtown, Connecticut Elementary School Shooting

In his opening reading, Trustee Schieck asked the board and members of the gallery to reflect on, and remember, the student victims and their families who were affected by the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Elementary Principal Transfer

Congratulations to Tom Thompson, currently Principal at Princess Margaret Public School in Orangeville who will be transferred to become principal of the new school currently under construction in Shelburne. The appointment is effective September 2013. Subsequent transfers and appointments will be shared at a later date.

King George Boundary Review

Victory PS parent, Wendy Bauman, delegated the board about the King George Boundary Review. She provided trustees with a presentation on the community walk held on Friday, December 14 from Victory to King George. She highlighted the safety issues facing students on the walk, including crossing the river and railroad tracks, the long hills, narrow sidewalks, traffic concerns including crossing Eramosa at Delhi Street.

She also asked for three motions to be considered by the board:

Trustees were sympathetic to the parents’ concerns, but did not vote in favour of the three motions. However, a subsequent motion was passed to encourage the Victory staff to provide parents with information on the process for applying for courtesy transportation in 2014, and if not successful, provide parents with the process for delegating the board on the issue.

In September of 2014, the students in the French Immersion program in grades 4 5, and 6 students will be included in the new King George boundary. At that time only students in grades 5 and 6 FI will attend King George. Enrolment at the school will be monitored annually, and if enrolment projections indicate that more than three portables are required at the Victory site, grade 4 students will be transitioned to King George.

The boundary review created a new Grade 7/8 FI attendance area for King George, with JK-6 Victory PS and Edward Johnson PS becoming feeder schools. In 2014-2015 King George will be JK to Grade 7 only, with Grade 8 students in the attendance area grandparented at John McCrae PS. In 2015-2016 King George will be JK-8 FI. The boundary review was launched in June, with the goal of creating a JK-8 FI attendance area for King George PS, and also to relieve projected overcrowding at Victory PS due to FDK and growth in the FI program.

More information is available on the board’s website at 

Learning Choices Committee Feasibility Study – International Baccalaureate Program

Trustees approved, in principle, the establishment of a Diploma International Baccalaureate Program in a Guelph secondary school, pending approval of the following:

It is anticipated that it will take two to three years before the program can begin once the above-noted items are addressed successfully. A report will be provided in March 2013.

FDK Capital Projects

Trustees approved project descriptions on the renovations and additions required to implement FDK in the following elementary schools by 2014: Paisley Road, Victory, Jean Little, John McCrae, Kortright Hills, Sir Isaac Brock, Westminster Woods, Eramosa, Ross R. McKay, Maryborough, James McQueen, Montgomery Village, East Garafraxa, Mono-Amaranth, and Princess Elizabeth. The projects range from conversion of regular classrooms into purpose-built kindergarten rooms, to additions. Estimated costs run between $200,000 and $1.8 million. Projects over $250,000 require approval by the Ministry of Education.

Capital/Renewal Plans

The board received information on the 2012-13 Capital and Renewal plans. Currently there are a number of capital building projects underway including new schools, renovations and additions. In addition, the department also has a five year schedule for the renewal grants received from the Ministry. These grants are for school condition improvements such as lighting, PA replacements, painting and washroom upgrades. Forecasted plans often change by implementation due to emergencies, equipment failures and priority changes in the system. The board receives approximately $5 million in renewal funds, plus a Condition Improvement Grant of approximately $2 million annually. Projects planned for this year are based on input from the schools and the Plant Operations Department.

Multi-year Plans — Operations Department

The four divisions of the Operations Department – Maintenance, Custodial Services, Facilities and Contracts and Capital and Renewal have developed multi-year plans for 2012-14. The plans are based on goals from 2009-2011 as well as the board’s Strategic Directions and the Director’s Operational Plan. Last month, the goals for the Maintenance area were outlined. This month, the goals for Custodial Services and Facilities and Contracts were presented.

For Custodial Services the goals include:

For Facilities and Contracts the goals include:

Access Upper Grand — Multi-year Accessibility Plan 2013–18 and Annual Accessibility Report 2011–12

The Ontarians with Disabilities Act (ODA), 2001 and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) 2005 set the goal of creating an accessible Ontario by 2025. These acts require all Ontario public and private sector organizations to provide persons with disabilities the same opportunity of access to services if possible, in the same manner and a similar way as these services are available to all others. Further requirements were outlined in the Integrated Accessibility Regulation (IASR) which came into effect in 2011. The legislation and regulations cover the areas of Customer Service, Information and Communications, Employment and School Transportation. An additional requirement directs school boards to create and implement a Multi-year Accessibility Plan (5 years) and an Annual Accessibility Report. The multi-year plan describes the measures the board will take over 2013-18 to identify, remove and prevent barriers to persons who work, learn in and/or use board facilities. The annual report provides an update on the board’s progress over the previous school year.

Both the Multi-Year and Annual plans are posted on the Board’s website to meet the requirement of public notification at

Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

Trustees accepted the resignation of Katie Vanderyt, the representative of VIEWS for Children who are Blind or have Low Vision. Marty Fairbairn, Guelph trustee and Jason Offer, representative of the Association for Bright Children (ABC) were named Chair and Vice-Chair of SEAC for the period December 1, 2012 to November 30, 2013.

Extended Day Fees Set

The board approved a fee of $27.00 for Extended Day Programs in the 2013-14 school year. The board is required to offer an extended day program where there is sufficient interest. Information on the program and the fee will be provided to parents at registration in February 2013.

Interim Financial Reporting as of October 31, 2012

The first Interim Financial Report of the board was presented to trustees. The report contains enrolment information and year over year spending comparisons for 2011-12 and 2012-13. Enrolment is up 140 students (123 elementary and 17 secondary), but the board continues to experience declining enrolment. Most of the increase can be explained by the introduction of FDK. Spending is on par with the 2011-12 school year at 16.4% as of the end of October 2012.

Revised Estimates

The revised estimates show significant changes to revenue and expenditures between the time the budget was prepared and approved in June, 2012. When the budget was developed there were no funds provided for salary increases or grid movement for any board staff. With the introduction of Bill 115, the Putting Students First Act, grid movement was funded part way through the school year. In addition, the revised estimates include the actual enrolment as of October 31and revisions to the Qualifications and Experience grants to pay for the increased experience and courses taken by teachers. Also shown is a loss of funding in elementary professional development and student success grants to pay for the additional secondary teachers added by the board. The revised estimates currently project a deficit of approximately $111,000.

Annual Report of the Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is required to prepare an Annual Report for the Board. The report for the year ending August 31, 2012 was provided. The report indicates the membership of the committee (trustees and external members), its relationship with both the board’s external and internal auditors and a summary of the work performed by the committee. It will be forwarded to the Ministry as required.

Appointment to the Centre 2000 Management Committee

Gail Baldwin, a former teacher and Guidance Counsellor at Erin DHS, retired from the Management Committee of Centre 2000 in June 2012. As a result the board approved the appointment of Rose Weyer-Keller. She is well-known in the Erin and Hillsburgh communities, a local sports coach, and has served as Chair or Co-chair of the Erin DHS Parent Council since 2010. She also served as fund-raising chair for Erin and Brisbane public schools.

The next meeting of the Upper Grand District School Board will be held on Tuesday, January 29, 2013. Everyone is welcome to attend. The meeting will be held at the Guelph Board Office, 500 Victoria Road North beginning at 7:00 p.m.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees and the staff of the Upper Grand District School Board, Happy Holidays!

For more information:

Maggie McFadzen, Communications Officer
519-822-4420 ext. 725
[email protected]

Mark Weidmark, Administrative Officer – Communications
519-822-4420 ext. 544
[email protected]

Categories: Media Releases