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Island Lake PS gets active, connects with nature

October 26, 2016

ORANGEVILLE, Ontario – Wednesday was National Take Me Outside Day, and at Island Lake Public School, students and staff participated in a rotation of activities outside to celebrate the day.

For two blocks of the day, teams of students engaged in a variety of activities like Tug of War, Schlockey, PassBall, Skipping and Bubble blowing. The weather was fantastic with just enough chill in the air to keep everyone comfortable. The day was organized by Sarah Laughton, a teacher at ILPS, who created mixed grade teams of students from Kindergarten to Grade 7. The Grade 8 students led the events.

A culture of inclusion and fair play was evident through the kindness demonstrated to the younger students by their older teammates.

The day was an awesome success in promoting the TMO challenge: get outside, be active and connect with nature.


Categories: Spotlight On Schools