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ODSS unveils ‘The Graduate’ tree sculpture

June 14, 2016

A striking eight-foot tall tree sculpture has been unveiled at Orangeville District Secondary School.

The sculpture stands on the front yard of the school and depicts a young student in a graduation cap and gown. “The Graduate” represents all of the past, current, and future students of ODSS. 

The sculpture was unveiled by members of Orangeville’s Arts & Culture Committee along with students and staff at the school.

Students said that the town’s tree sculptures are a big deal, with each telling a story. Trees that would have come down at the end of their life cycle are transformed into works of art. Orangeville’s Art Walk of Tree Sculptures features the work of 18 artists and more than 50 sculptures.

ODSS students began fundraising for the sculpture in March, raising a total of $2,400 through in-school events such as bake sales, lip sync battles and teacher contests, as well as through creating a GoFundMe page.

“The Graduate” was created by artist Robbin Wenzoski, taking around 120 hours to complete. He said the greatest challenge was creating a sculpture that did not appear to have a specific gender – making it representative of all students.


Categories: Spotlight On Schools