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Parents need to talk online safety with children


For Immediate Release
April 25, 2014

PALMERSTON, Ontario – Wellington County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) wants parents talking with their children about being safe online. Officers are seeing incidents more regularly where youth are being exploited online.

Online tools are now part of the daily lives of our youth. There is the belief that their texted messages and images shared among peers will remain private and secure. This can put them in danger of becoming a victim.

Youth frequently engage in online relationships through the use of their mobile devices and computers. This can lead to “self-peer exploitation” (also known as sexting). 

Thinking they can remain anonymous, they may engage in this behaviour with individuals whom they don’t know but have only ever met online.

Youth need to become aware that this kind of behaviour is risky and that there can consequences. It can lead to threats to their identity and their reputations. 

Parents, guardians and educators need to recognize and learn more about this serious social issue so this can be discussed. 

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