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Parkinson Centennial students apply for grant to improve accessibility

March 8, 2017

ORANGEVILLE, Ontario – Grade 6 students at Parkinson Centennial Public School are hoping to create a new outdoor playground and classroom.

The students were given the challenge of applying for an Access4All grant through the Rick Hansen Foundation.

The Foundation works to break down physical barriers for people with disabilities, while empowering youth to create more inclusive communities.

With support from the Government of Canada, the Foundation is granting $1.7 million to schools and community organizations across the country to allow them to take on projects in their hometowns.

Staff and students at Parkinson Centennial have been conducting research and surveys, and have been meeting with professionals to determine what the needs are at the school. They are also working with the school’s parent council to design the outdoor space.

The goal of the Access4All initiative is to create real and lasting change for Canadians with disabilities by breaking down physical barriers across the country. Resources are also made available to educators to help teach students about disability and inclusion and to identify barriers in their communities.


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