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Primrose students take the ‘Waste Free Lunch’ challenge

October 20, 2016

MULMUR, Ontario – This week, Primrose Elementary School students are participating in the “Waste Free Lunch” challenge put on by the recycling council of Ontario.

The school has been involved in this challenge for five years. Primrose is one of the board’s EcoSchools (achieving gold status last year and hopes of achieving platinum this year). Part of an EcoSchool’s obligation is to continuously work toward reducing the amount of waste produced at our school.

Educating students, staff and parents about waste reduction is key. Primrose ES does this through newsletters, announcements and through social media. In the past, the school has been recognized in this challenge and has won prizes such as reusable lunch containers, which have been distributed to our students.

Over the course of this week the school’s “Me to We” students took on the responsibility of educating their peers on proper sorting, being conscientious about reducing the garbage, recycling and composting in the classroom and the importance of packing a waste free lunch daily.

Some examples of a packing a waste free lunch include; using reusable lunch bags, reusable food storage containers, reusable drink bottles, cloth napkins and silverware to wash and reuse.

This week the team has been busy; collecting, sorting and weighing garbage, recycling and compost twice a day after each break. At the end of the week it will all be totalled, compared and put into a graph. The goal is to have a significant reduction of waste. The school then submit its results for the challenge and continues to encourage the school community to have a waste free lunch every day at Primrose!


Categories: Spotlight On Schools