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Salem PS students learn about snakes, reptile conservation

April 29, 2016

Between smiles and squeals, students at Salem Public School got up close and personal with a variety of snakes on Friday.

Sciensational Sssnakes!! was at the school, giving a hands-on educational presentation on snakes and reptile conservation.

After presenting to the entire school, the company worked with smaller groups, answering questions and giving the students a chance to hold the snakes.

The company presents around 250 educational programs a year, speaking to schools about reptile conservation and its challenges.

Students at Salem PS asked many questions, from ‘does King in the snakes name (like King Cobra) mean it eats other snakes?’ and ‘do snakes smell with their tongues?’

The company’s collection of reptiles is mostly made up of animals born in captivity, rather than removing animals from the wild, and the educational program focuses on reptiles and amphibians native to Ontario.

Categories: Spotlight On Schools