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Secondary students and parents: Help shape the future of French language instruction

March 22, 2017

GUELPH, Ontario – The Upper Grand District School Board is seeking input from students in high school and their parents/guardians about French language instruction.

The deadline has been extended to complete an online survey which will provide valuable feedback to the board’s Secondary French Review Committee.

The committee is asking all secondary students and their parents/guardians, in both Core French and French Immersion, to provide their input. Even if the student is no longer enroled in French courses, we still want to hear from you.

To complete the surveys, visit the links below. The deadline to complete the survey is Monday March 27, 2017.

The survey will take less than ten minutes to complete. There are no right or wrong answers and responses will be confidential. The survey responses will be summarized in a report and form part of the Secondary French Review Committee’s report that will be delivered to the board in June 2017.

For more information on the Secondary French Review, please visit

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