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Students at Mono-Amaranth PS embrace the Forest of Reading

February 23, 2017

ORANGEVILLE, Ontario – Students and staff at Mono-Amaranth Public School are embracing the Forest of Reading by finishing several books per week and sharing their comments about each book.

The Forest of Reading is Canada’s largest recreational reading program. The initiative was started by the Ontario Library Association (OLA), and encourages people of all ages to love reading.

The Forest of Reading celebrates Canadian books, authors, publishers and illustrators and has more than 250,000 participants each year.

Linda Greer, Teacher-Librarian at Mono-Amaranth PS, is really promoting the program at the school and has been generating a buzz around the program using social media. “I really wanted to advocate for the library and create buzz within the school and in the parent community by tweeting out student thoughts on their reading,” Greer said, “It has been super exciting to have the author’s responding and retweeting.”

Students at the school have been really motivated under the Forest of Reading and use this as encouragement to read more. Knowing about the social media buzz, students feel like they have a real voice and are being heard.

Since creating such a buzz in the school about the Forest of Reading, Greer has seen that there has been a positive influence on reading behaviour in students compared to last year. 

Keep up the good work!

Categories: Spotlight On Schools