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Westside SS raises over $20,000 for breast cancer research

November 4, 2016

ORANGEVILLE, Ontario – On Friday, staff, students and members of the community celebrated Pink Day at Westside Secondary School.

Each year, the annual fundraiser rides a wave of support and enthusiasm from the entire school community to raise funds for the Breast Cancer Society of Canada (BCSC).

This year was particularly special as the school was set to surpass a major milestone of raising more than $100,000 for breast cancer research over the years. Leading up to this year’s fundraiser, the school had already raised more than $96,800 over the years. After Friday’s donations were tallied up, staff announced at a school-wide assembly that they had collectively raised more than $20,000 this year, smashing their goal of $100,000 in total funding over the years. 

Last year, Westside was named the top fundraiser in the country for the BCSC annual Dress for the Cause campaign, with a donation that was higher than any other company or group in Canada. It was the first time in the organization’s history that a group of students surpassed the contribution of every other business in the country. 

On Pink Day, nearly the entire school population comes to school dressed in pink. Funds are raised through the sale of items like pink candy floss and pink highlights. The event culminates in an assembly featuring entertainment and staff and students shaving their heads and donating their hair. 

This year there was also tug-of-war competitions and leg waxing. 

Friday began with a Pink Day dance party and Pink Pancake Breakfast with Live Eye coverage by Breakfast Television. BT host Kevin Frankish joined in on the fun, co-hosting the Pink Day assembly.  

The energy continued throughout the day as staff and students celebrated what has become a massive school-wide tradition.

“There is no greater event that brings together the spirit, hope and generosity of Westside and our community,” said Christine Kirkland, teacher and Pink Day coordinator.

To learn more about Dress for the Cause, please visit

Categories: Spotlight On Schools