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You can help John F. Ross CVI spread the net

Are you a Rick Mercer fan?

Have you heard about his Spread the Net fundraising campaign to fight malaria in countries ravaged by this deadly disease?

Would you like to help the students and staff at John F. Ross Spread the Net and win a visit to the school by Rick Mercer himself?

Here’s how…..

Spread the Net is a charity affiliated with UNICEF founded by Rick Mercer and Belinda Stronach. Spread the Net buys and distributes insecticide-treated bed nets for children to sleep under that prevent them from being bitten by mosquitoes infected with a parasite the causes malaria. Malaria is deadly; it can kill up to 3,000 children a day in countries like Rwanda and Liberia. But malaria is preventable. One net costs $10 and can protect up to four children every night for five years. There are students at John F. Ross who formerly lived in malaria plagued areas and have slept under these nets.

Spread the Net also doubles as a competition for educational institutions to see which one can raise the most money to support this worthy cause. The winning school gets a visit from Rick Mercer where he will film an episode of his CBC TV show, the Mercer Report. And right now, John F. Ross is winning the race, holding a narrow lead in front of Brock University!

The school wants to raise $20,000 by the deadline of March 1, 2009. Not just to win the contest, but to beat the malaria pandemic. Ross students and staff need your help!

Please consider making a donation to Spread the Net

• Send a donation directly to the school (attention James Ball)
• Make an secure online donation.

The students and staff at John F Ross, and children in many countries of the world will thank you for you support.

For more information about Spread the Net, visit

Photo of Rick Mercer bus shelter ad by roland. Some rights reserved.

Categories: Media Releases