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Executive Compensation – Letter from the Chair

December 4, 2017

Dear Community Member, 

In 2014, the Government of Ontario began the process of developing public sector compensation frameworks to ensure a transparent and consistent approach to executive compensation. The Broader Public Sector Executive Compensation Act of 2014 (“BPSECA” or “the Act”), introduced by the Ontario Government, applies to all Ontario public sector designated employers, including universities, colleges, hospitals, and school boards. This includes Upper Grand District School Board.

In compliance with the Act, Ontario Regulation 304/16 – Executive Compensation Framework, and Ontario Regulation 187/17 (“the Regulations”), all 72 Ontario public sector school boards collaboratively developed a comprehensive proposed Executive Compensation Program to support executive compensation management across the Province. This work was completed in consultation with Mercer (Canada) Limited, an independent consulting firm that specializes in executive compensation. The proposed Executive Compensation Program sets out a rational compensation approach for executive positions across all school boards, including those in our Board. The school boards are committed to meeting the intent and goals of the Ministry of Education and Treasury Board Secretariat to ensure responsible and transparent executive compensation management in the Ontario broader public sector.

In the education sector, salaries for Directors of Education have been frozen since 2010.  Salaries for all of our other executives have been frozen since 2011.  This was a key point in the development of a competitive, fair, and responsible Executive Compensation Program which is vital for attracting and retaining the talented, innovative leadership required to ensure continued progress in student achievement and success.  Our proposed Executive Compensation Program balances the need to manage compensation costs and the need to attract and retain the executive talent we seek.

Key sections in our proposed Executive Compensation Program include:

As part of the Government Regulations, all Ontario broader public sector employers are required to conduct a 30-day public consultation on their proposed Executive Compensation Program. Following consultation and review of the input, the final Executive Compensation Program will be posted. If you have feedback on the Program please submit your feedback online at We will be accepting public input until January 2, 2018. All feedback is appreciated and will be kept on record.

Thank you,

Mark Bailey
Chair of the Board