Charter of Rights
Children’s Charter of Rights
All children deserve basic rights and freedoms. A fair share of society’s resources must be devoted to ensuring this. While families are responsible for raising their children, all levels of government, in partnership with communities, have a duty to support families by putting the health and well-being of children first.
All children in Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph have a right to:
a quality of life that meets their physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social needs.
have basic needs met including nutritious food, a healthy environment and a safe and comfortable place to live.
access quality and affordable child care, early education programs and/or parenting support.
safe places and time to play, and access to affordable recreational activities.
quality education to enable them to reach their full potential.
quality time with their families and/or other nurturing and positive role models throughout their childhood.
protection from neglect, abuse and exposure to family violence.
be accepted for who they are, and believe what they want without being discriminated against.
Youth Charter of Rights
All youth in Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph have a right to:
A voice in the issues that affect our lives;
Good health by having our social, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual needs met;
A place to sleep, clothes to wear, food to eat and supportive friends and/or family;
Affordable activities and programs, and safe places to hang out;
Education, training and opportunities that prepare us for our future lives;
Quality time with our friends, family and/or other positive role models in our community;
Be and feel safe in our homes, schools and communities;
Be accepted for who we are and what we believe without being discriminated against;
Access to quality and affordable child care, early education programs and/or parenting supports.
All youth deserve basic rights and freedoms. A fair share of society’s resources must be devoted to ensuring this. While families are responsible for raising their children, all levels of government, in partnership with communities, have a duty to support families by putting the health and well-being of children first.