Virtual Learning in the Upper Grand District School Board

Elementary Remote Learning Program

The Elementary Remote Learning Program (ERLP) is part of a small consortium welcoming students in Grades 1-8 from Avon Maitland District School Board, Bluewater District School Board and Grand Erie District School Board. The ERLP offers instruction in English only (we do not offer French Immersion).

The ERLP offers synchronous learning only (there are no elementary asynchronous learning options). For this method of learning, the daily schedule is set by the teachers from 9:00 am - 2:40 pm. There is daily (mandatory) attendance. Students participate in both large and small Google Meets with their homeroom teacher throughout the day. They receive instruction, lessons and participate in group work while also completing work on their own. A Chromebook or laptop with a working camera is needed for this method of learning and an internet connection.

The Ministry of Education requires all remote students to be residing in the province of Ontario. During registration, families are asked to attest that their family lives in their school board catchment area (AMDSB, GEDSB, BWDSB, or UGDSB) and will be residing within the province of Ontario for the entire school year. This means that families who leave the province will not be able to participate in, or access, their Google Classroom.

How to Enrol in the Elementary Remote Learning Program

Please contact the Principal from your home brick and mortar school if you wish to have your child attend the ERLP.

Additional Information

Please visit the ERLP Website or call 519-780-3330.

UGDSB Online Learning Program

The Upper Grand District School Board offers students in Grades 9-12 the opportunity to take courses that are delivered entirely using the internet and do not require students to be physically present in the classroom (typically referred to as “elearning courses"). These courses are for eligible students of the Board and are delivered by Ontario Certified Teachers. Students and teachers use the Provincial Virtual Learning Environment as the platform to engage with the course work. These are “asynchronous” courses – the teacher and students will often work on the course at different times during the school day.  Students in online learning course(s) should expect to spend an equivalent amount of time daily on elearning courses as they would with regular, in-school courses. 

Ontario eLearning Consortium

elc logo

The Upper Grand District School Board is a member of the Ontario e-Learning Consortium.  With the other member school boards, we work together to optimize e-Learning programs and enhance student learning through emerging technologies and innovative practices. Through this partnership students in the UGDSB have access to a broader range of courses taught by Ontario Certified Teachers in other Boards.  Potential course offerings from the Upper Grand DSB and other member boards can be found on the OeLC registration site.

Online Learning Graduation Requirement

Beginning with the cohort of students who entered Grade 9 in the 2020-21 school year, all students must earn a minimum of two online learning credits as part of the requirements for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma unless they have been opted out or exempted. 

For more information, please see Secondary Schools: Online Learning Graduation Requirement” or contact your school’s Guidance Department.

How to Enrol in an eLearning Course

During the regular course selection process in late winter/early spring, students will be able to see courses that may be offered by the Upper Grand DSB as online learning courses the following year. These will be listed in MyBlueprint and students may choose one or more of these courses as part of their course selections for the next school year.

As part of our membership in the OeLC, students will also have access to more elearning course options available from partner school boards. Please contact your school’s Guidance Department for any questions or more information.

It is important to note, a student may only enrol in a maximum of 4 courses per semester as this constitutes a full-time course load. This total of 4 includes all classes in school as well as any online course(s).

Additional Information

Please visit the OLP website or call 519-780-3330. Additionally, your school’s Guidance Department can assist you if you are interested in online learning courses.