Career Pathways Exploration Programs
Career Pathways exploration programs, available to students beginning in grade 11, are comprised of four core programs that promote learning through experience, observation, and reflection.
Choosing a program based on their skills and ambitions, students can practice a career both within and outside of the classroom with full assistance and support, easing the transition as they move on to post-secondary life, whether in an apprenticeship, college, university, or workforce.
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program allows students to focus their learning on a specific economic sector while meeting the requirements of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). It assists in their transition from secondary school to apprenticeship training, college, university, or the workplace. Visit the SHSM website.
Still have questions? Contact our SHSM Lead:
The Co-operative Education program allows students heading to an apprenticeship, college, university or the workplace to earn secondary school credits while completing a work placement. The program consists of a Co-op course monitored by a Co-operative education teacher, a related curriculum course in any subject, and a work placement. Visit the Co-op website.
Still have questions? Contact our Co-Op Lead:
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)
The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) is a School to Work program wherein Grade 11 or 12 students work in apprenticeship occupations through the Co-operative Education program. Students can become registered apprentices and work towards becoming a certified journeyperson in a skilled trade while completing their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). Visit the OYAP website.
New! Focused Apprenticeship Skills Training (OYAP-FAST)
The Focused Apprenticeship Skills Training (OYAP-FAST) program is an accelerated stream within OYAP that provides Grade 11 and 12 students with the opportunity to gain expanded apprenticeship experience by earning additional cooperative education credits while completing their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).
Students who meet the completion requirements and all other OSSD requirements will receive the OYAP-FAST seal on their OSSD, and OYAP-FAST will be listed in the Specialized Program field of their Ontario Student Transcript (OST).
To participate in OYAP-FAST, students must meet the OYAP eligibility requirements:
Be at least 15 years of age or older
Have completed 14 credits toward the OSSD
Be enrolled as a part-time or full-time student in a secondary school or continuing education program
Complete a cooperative education course with placement in the skilled trades
Have signed parent/guardian consent (for students under 18 years of age)
To complete OYAP-FAST, students must:
Earn eight to 11 co-op credits with their placement component in the skilled trades
Register as an apprentice by securing a Registered Training Agreement (RTA) before completing an eighth co-op education credit
Students wishing to pursue the OYAP-FAST pathway will be directed by their Guidance Department to select the ‘OYFAST’ code during course selection in myBlueprint. When selecting 'OYFAST', students will be prompted to submit an application to the program via a google form. Students who submit the form and select the ‘OYFAST’ code will be invited to meet with the OYAP Coordinator and guidance at their school to discuss next steps. A consent form will be sent home for students under the age of 18 to officially move forward in the program.
Still have questions? Contact our OYAP Coordinator:
Dual Credit
Our Dual Credit program allows students, while still in secondary school, to take college or apprenticeship courses that count towards both their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) and a postsecondary certificate, diploma, or a Certificate of Apprenticeship. Visit the Dual Credit website.
Still have questions? Contact our Dual Credit Lead:

Students can use myBlueprint to create portfolios as evidence of learning from Pathways Programming. They can upload certifications, create resumes and cover letters, and collect letters of reference to maintain in a portfolio that they can edit and share with teachers, potential employers or post-secondary programs to support success. Furthermore, students can monitor their progress towards earning their Red Seal in SHSM and achieving their post-secondary goals.