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Calling all makers and creators! UGDSB celebrates Media Literacy Week

October 31, 2016

GUELPH, Ontario – The week of October 31 to November 4 is Media Literacy Week. Media Literacy Week is an event that takes place in Canada every year in the month of November. Co-led by MediaSmarts and the Canadian Teachers’ Federation, the focus of Media Literacy Week is to devote an entire week to media literacy while highlighting the importance of educating Canadian children and youth about the value of digital and media literacy.

Media Literacy Week works with Canadian schools, libraries and educational organizations to inspire all Canadians to think digitally. During Media Literacy Week, students at the Upper Grand District School Board will learn to be driven and inspired by digital innovation as well as the power of creative thinking.

The theme of Media Literacy Week 2016 is “Makers and Creators.” This theme is dedicated to celebrating the ways in which parents/guardians and teachers help students become “creative, innovative and entrepreneurial by embracing media production, remixing, maker and do it yourself culture, as well as coding.”

Media Literacy Week provides teachers, parents/guardians and students with all the resources they need to succeed. A series of videos can be found on the Media Literacy Week website. Each video is designed to help educate Canadian students on the value and reach that digital media has on our society. Additionally, each video is presented in a format that speaks directly to young Canadians.

Further resources include a workshop that can be downloaded in English and French, as well as information to help facilitate the workshop. For educators that would prefer to plan something outside of a standard workshop, there are resources to help inspire ideas about the digital literacy framework, lessons that can be used in class (broken down by grade) and media literacy games that can be used to help students interactively learn. For the parents that want to continue media literacy outside of school, there are also resources available to help families bring the love for digital learning home.

The Upper Grand District School Board is thrilled to be participating in Media Literacy Week 2016 and we invite our school communities to tweet us @ugdsb to share all of the ways you are being inspired this week!


For more information:
Heather Loney, Communications and Community Engagement Officer
Upper Grand District School Board
519-822-4420 ext.725
[email protected]

Megan Sicoli, Administrative Officer, Communications
Upper Grand District School Board
519-822-4420 ext.764
[email protected]

Categories: Media Releases