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Core French students embrace timeline project

Chris and Joel with the timeline tree

Brothers Joel and Chris created a 2 metre tall tree for their timeline project. Thirty-two prisms with images and sentences on each adorn the branches of the tree from top to bottom.

Laurel Farell’s grade 8 Core French class at Elora Public School was given the task to create a personal timeline. The students were to include 15-20 defining life moments written in complete sentence format including correct use of passé composé with être and avoir. 

The results of this project were nothing short of astounding, with each student wanting to show their personal best. Every project that earned over 80% adorns the walls of the classroom. As the projects trickled in one after another, there was a silent competition emerging. 

“For the first time in my career, I have awarded over 20 students with 100% on their projects,” said Farrell. “I am very proud of their accomplishments.”

Other teachers in the school have been visiting the classroom to see the projects. 

Categories: Spotlight On Schools