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Going Glocal – Creating globally minded citizens with H2Awesome event

April 30, 2019

GUELPH, Ontario – The annual H2Awesome event was held at the University of Guelph on April 30. The success of last year’s event saw this year’s held in a larger location.

H2Awesome is a joint project between the City of Guelph, Upper Grand DSB, Wellington Catholic DSB and Wellington Water Watchers that aligns with the Science Technology, Social Studies and Environmental curriculum that grade 8 students study at school.

More than 600 students were invited to this event to hear keynote addresses and participate in workshops. The theme of the event was Going Glocal, learning about water sustainability globally and acting locally by engaging in responsible citizenship.

Emily DeSousa gave the keynote address at the event with speakers Jan Sherman and The Water Brothers also speaking at the event. The City of Guelph Water Wagon was also at the event.

DeSousa is an Environmental Governance student who fights to bring marine conservation issues to the front of environmental discussions.

Sherman is an Anishinaabe Elder, she began the day with an Indigenous opening and closed the day with closing remarks.

The Water Brothers are Alex and Tyler Mifflin; they are passionate about the subject of water conservation and use this passion to teach others through their Eco-Adventure TV series.

Following today, the presenters at the event will visit each class of students in May back at their school to engage in deeper workshops about water conservation.

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