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Students at Brant Avenue Public School celebrate their Kindness Week by giving back

January 4, 2022

GUELPH, Ontario – Who knew kindness was like a boomerang? That’s what the students at Brant Avenue Public School learned after a video called “The Kindness Boomerang” as a part of their Kindness Week material. 

Students were very moved by the depiction of a person experiencing homelessness in the video and how small acts of kindness make a positive difference.

Laurier teacher candidate Amanda Hendershot, and grade three teacher, Anna Pye-Clifford, planned media literacy teaching and learning in December to build on the students’ concerns about homelessness.

Their students decided they would collect non-perishable items to donate to Wyndham House, a charitable organization that works to prevent, reduce, and end youth homelessness in Guelph. 

As a culminating task, students planned and wrote newspaper articles to tell others how they can help. 


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