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Students at Wellington Heights spread school spirit with Survivor games

October 11, 2022

Students from all grades dressed up to show their school pride as Wolverines and participate in the Survivor games.

On Thursday September 29, the students at Wellington Heights Secondary School separated into teams to participate and compete against each other in a variety of activities, such as road hockey, spikeball, rubber chicken football and other activities. 

“The purpose of putting on these Survivor games is to build community in our school,” said WHSS Principal Brent Bloch. “These students bring together all students from all grades, including our Den class (Learning Success class)”. 

The Survivor games were also an opportunity for  students to foster healthy competition among their peers, physical activity, team and relationship building, and collaboration. Staff at Wellington Heights SS saw the Survivor games as a memorable experiential learning experience where students in different grades and different pathways could come together to achieve a common goal. 

“Looking across the school field, I saw a lot of smiles, positivity, encouragement, and excitement from the kids which is what teachers always hope arise during the learning process,” said Bloch. 

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