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UG students and staff got moving this Winter Walk Day

February 8, 2024

GUELPH, ON – Wednesday, February 7, 2024, was Winter Walk Day! As part of the day, students and staff walked or wheeled to or from school, with many UG schools hosting events to promote getting moving during the school day.

Here are just a few examples of how UG schools participated in Winter Walk Day.

Victory PS got into the spirit of Winter Walk Day a bit early as a field trip on the 7th prevented some classes from participating in activities. Many classes at the school participated in scavenger hunts. On Wednesday, some classes had a field trip at the River Run Centre, as a result, they decided to walk to the River Run Centre.

Victory PS students walking outside

In Shelburne, students and staff at Centennial Hylands ES decided to mark the day by graphing walkers. At the end of the day, the class with the highest participation of walkers won a prize. The school also set time aside during the day for bused students to walk around the yard’s perimeter when they arrived.

Don’t forget to send us your pics from Winter Walk Day so that we can feature them here!

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