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UGDSB staff embark on 5-week Wellness Challenge

April 27, 2018

GUELPH, Ontario – Upper Grand District School Board employees recently embarked on a board-wide Wellness Challenge. This challenge runs over five weeks and is based on five points of wellness.

This year marks the second annual Wellness Challenge in the UGDSB and runs from April 16 to May 20.

Wellness refers to more than just exercise and because of that, this challenge is broken up into one point of wellness per week. Points of wellness include physical wellness, nutritional wellness, psychological wellness, intellectual wellness and social and environmental wellness.

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Over 200 people and 20 teams signed up for this year’s challenge. Individuals and teams receive a weekly rank based on a points system. Points are earned based on weekly challenges.

Challenges include taking the stairs instead of the elevator, eating six servings of fruits and vegetables a day, sending an appreciative note, having a board game night, conserving water, and much more.

The Wellness Challenge is designed to be inclusive so that anyone is able to participate regardless of their physical fitness level. Each year, it is made sure that the Wellness Challenge aligns with board initiatives and visions.

The Wellness Challenge is not the only wellness activity available to staff. The UGDSB offers all employees a free membership to the onsite gym at the Guelph Board Office, as well as numerous free wellness classes held at locations throughout the district. Wellness classes range from yoga and Zumba to boot camp, as well as stress management, headache relief and more.

The UGDSB has many resources in place for both students and staff to maintain positive wellness levels.

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