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September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day

September 8, 2023 

GUELPH, ON – World Suicide Prevention Day is a chance for everyone to highlight and work together in promoting awareness about suicide: those impacted by a suicide attempt or loss, family and friends, charitable organizations, professionals, politicians, volunteers, and community members. 

The Upper Grand District School Board joins more than 50 countries on September 10, 2023, for World Suicide Prevention Day to assist in Creating Hope Through Action. At the UGDSB, we prioritize mentally healthy classrooms and learning spaces.  We recognize the impact of systemic racism and cultural oppression on many of our students and families and the disproportionate rates of suicide for these communities.    

At UGDSB we prioritize: 

What can you do if you see someone struggling? 

“A genuine conversation can make all the difference. We should not assume that everyone who is in distress is having suicidal-related thoughts or exhibiting associated behaviours (they’re not!). If you are worried about someone, it’s best to start by asking general questions about their wellbeing. Bringing up the conversation can be difficult, try starting with something like: “I know you’ve been going through a lot lately. I want you to know I’m concerned about you.” If the response is worrisome, you can ask: “are you feeling safe?” and “do you think about suicide?” It is a myth that asking or talking about suicide will put the idea in someone’s head.” (World Suicide Prevention Day Toolkit) 

Local resources: 

Other resources: 

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