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Together We Can – Celebrating Education and Mental Health Week

May 4, 2020

GUELPH, Ontario – This week is Education and Mental Health Week. During these unprecedented times, Education and Mental Health Week will focus on the well-being of students, staff and community members.

This year’s theme is Together We Can / Ensemble Nous Pouvons. The logo this year was designed by a Wellington Heights Secondary School student. Danielle B is a grade 11 student at the school. Her logo focuses on relationships as a school community, together with the board’s wellness work.

This year, more than ever, we need to recognize the partnership between education and mental health. During these uncertain times, we know that many students, staff and families are struggling with their well-being due to so many unknown factors.

Education and Mental Health week will focus on the Four M’s of Mental Health, a movement created by Dr. Sue Varma. Throughout the week, we will look at one of the M’s per day. The M’s stand for Movement, Meaningful Connections, Mastery and Mindfulness.

Education And Mental Health Week (1)

Movement means to get moving and to exercise. Exercise is important because it helps to manage anxiety and stress.

Meaningful Connections are important because social interactions boost mental health. In these times of physical distancing, it is still possible to connect with loved ones and friends through video chats.

Mastery means learning a new skill. You don’t have to be perfect at this, but learning a new skill or hobby is great for your mental health.

Mindfulness means so much more than meditating. Mindfulness is anything that makes you happy, whether it is colouring or taking a nature walk.

At the end of the week, we want you to reflect on how you used the four M’s together throughout the week.

What did you learn this week and how did you practise the Four M’s Movement? Let us know by using #UGTogetherWeCan.

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