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Willow Road Public School joins together to ‘Give Back’ to the community

December 17, 2019 

GUELPH, Ontario – Students at Willow Road Public School are joining together to “Give Back” to the community.  

As part of Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week the school talked about what it means to be a good citizen.  

For the past two years, Willow Road PS has brainstormed ways that they can give back and say thank you to people who provide happiness, belonging, safety, comfort, love and acceptance in the school community.

This year, each class will “Give Back” in a different way.

The 8D class is collecting money and donations for WE Charity to help places like Ecuador, rural China, Sierra Leone, Haiti, Tanzania, and Ethiopia have access to clean water. WE Charity is an organization that helps people experiencing poverty around the world by improving education, supplies, water quality and health.

The 7D and 7A classes are collecting for Women in Crisis. The classrooms are collecting gifts for teenagers such as gift cards, journals, hygiene products, pyjamas and more. Guelph Wellington Women in Crisis is a community-based organization providing services to women and their children who have suffered abuse and violence.

The grade 2/3 class is collecting food items for Lakeside HOPE House.  HOPE House provides compassionate assistance to members of the Guelph community in need. 

The KB and Life Skills classes are collecting donations for the after-school program, breakfast clubs and the Shelldale Centre. The classes are collecting items like craft supplies. Shelldale is an organization that helps create a neighbourhood of healthy children, healthy families, and healthy communities.

The KA class is collecting items for the Guelph Humane Society, such as blankets, towels, flat sheets, new cat toys, pet food, dish soap and more. The Guelph Humane Society is dedicated to protecting, caring and fostering many animals in the community. 

The 7C, 8C and 8A classes are collecting monetary donations to help provide turkey dinners to families in the community who need some assistance this holiday season.

The 7B class is supporting the Children’s Foundation by collecting money for the Adopt-A-Family program. This program allows local families the opportunity to receive gifts that they may not otherwise have had.

The grade 5/6 class is collecting loonies for trees. This is an online organization that plants tre​es with the money donated. 

The 1B class is collecting socks for Wyndam House. These socks will be handed out to the homeless population in our community. 

The 8C class is writing cards to members of the Canadian Armed Forces. Many members of the armed forces are not home over the holiday season and receiving cards brings joy to the bases around the world. 

The grade 4/5 class is collecting socks for Guelph General Hospital. The class is collecting socks in all sizes starting at infant. These socks will be delivered to the hospital on December 19. 

Each year, the “Give Back” Campaign at Willow Road PS sees the entire school work together to help the community. The school would like to thank everyone who donated to the “Give Back” Campaign.

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