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Talking About Mental Health: May 2019

Throughout the school year, UGDSB Mental Health and Addiction Lead Jenny Marino shares tips and resources for improving our mental health and well-being. Additional mental health resources for students and parents/guardians can be found on the board website.

May 6-10 is Child and Youth Mental Health and Well-being Week!

Child and Youth Mental Health and Well-being Week is about promoting mental wellness, increasing awareness of child and youth mental health, decreasing stigma and understanding that support is available. Let’s improve everyone’s mental health and well- being.

The theme for Child and Youth Mental Health and Well-being at UGDSB is: Have a SUPER Week!

Each day of the week will focus on a different aspect of mental health and well-being. All UGDSB schools will be provided with resources and activities related to each day’s theme. 

As a parent, you can increase the mental health and well-being of your children, youth and family too. Here are some suggestions:

For more information about mental health and well-being and interactive activities with your children and youth:

At the end of the week, talk with your child/youth about the things that made them feel more connected, emotionally aware, healthy, empowered and resilient and continue to do those things every day.

Most of all…have a SUPER week! 

Jenny Marino is the Mental Health Lead for Upper Grand District School Board
Follow Jenny on Instagram @ugdsb_mental_health