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Every Day Counts! Why regular student attendance at school really matters

April 5, 2024

In the UGDSB, we know how important school attendance and established routines are for students to build knowledge, skills and confidence. Regular attendance is more than just a requirement; it’s a critical building block for academic success, social development, and future opportunities. While we may face challenges that can make school attendance difficult, it’s important to understand the impact of frequent absenteeism and how we can work together to support regular attendance.

The Impact of Frequent Absenteeism

Did You Know?

If your child misses… 

That equals…

Which is…

Over 13 years of schooling this is…. 

1 day every 2 weeks

20 days per year

4 weeks per year 

Nearly 1 ½ years of schooling 

1 day each week

40 days per year

8 week per year

Over 2 ½ years of schooling 

2 days per week

80 days per year

16 weeks per year

Over 5 years of schooling 

3 days per week

120 days per year

24 weeks per year

Over 7.5 years of schooling 

Tips for Families to Encourage Regular Attendance

Understanding the challenges, here are some strategies families can implement to promote regular attendance:

Our Commitment to Support

For students struggling with attendance, the UGDSB offers many supports including access to Attendance Counsellors, Social Workers, referrals to community agencies and support staff in schools, in addition to many ways to ensure students keep connected and on top of their learning for periods when they have to be absent from school. 

Remember, every day counts. Together, we can make a positive impact on students’ education, well-being and future.

For more resources and support around student attendance, please visit the UGDSB website. 

Text is "Every Day Counts"

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