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Wellness Works: Learning to be more authentic

April 1, 2022

“In order for connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen, really seen.” – BRENÉ BROWN

Authenticity is so important, but not always easy!  Learning to be authentic means:

Did you know that studies have linked authenticity with increased levels of happiness, personal growth, improved self esteem and better relationships?  So, where do you start? Here are some ideas:

Value your child’s voice/opinion: A child that feels valued and heard is more likely to feel confident and safe in expressing their true self.  You can encourage your child to share their opinion by providing options and choices whenever possible, for example, “Do you prefer milk or water with dinner?”  Another tip is to remember that you can respect your child’s opinions and feelings and not agree with them.

Celebrate differences. Likely your child/ren will have some things they do or like that are different from your own likes and preferences. Make sure to celebrate the individualism of your child like that creative art project or the chosen outfit for photo day. These are expressions of self and by celebrating and acknowledging, you are accepting and also teaching acceptance of others.

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