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Digital Saturday

Have you ever marveled at the ease with which kids can learn and adopt new technology? The Upper Grand District School Board has created a reoccurring digital open house where parents and guardians can learn more about the technologies used in our classrooms.

Over the last few years, there has been exponential growth in the use of technological tools and resources in Upper Grand schools. Students don’t stop using this technology when they get home, as a good number of these resources are available to them 24/7. The board created Digital Saturdays as a way for parents to learn more about the technology their children are using daily.

Students and staff participate in Digital Saturday at Spencer Avenue ES on Nov. 26, 2016.

Digital Saturday is an opportunity to explore and learn about:

Digital Saturday 2016

The format of the event has evolved over the years, starting as formal presentations where experts showed parents and guardians how the technology works. Now, Digital Saturday is an open house with students as the experts, giving presentations and demonstrations.

The last Digital Saturday was on November 18, 2017, at Arbour Vista Public School in Guelph. All UGDSB families were welcome to attend. 

Students and staff participate in Digital Saturday at Spencer Avenue ES on Nov. 26, 2016.

You can read more about a past Digital Saturday on

Students participate in Digital Saturday at Spencer Avenue ES on Nov. 26, 2016.